How to Use Cheat On Game Android

As per the title, this thread will be rigging the acquisition of coin, game elements and the level of EW2 use GameCIH (GC) & GameKiller (GK), especially for the newbie. Credit does not apply to Glu (GCR) for GCR address SDH in the Arm guard cheat. Msh But there are ways to get free credit Glu is playing in the Daily Bonus. So do not need to elaborate lagi..Lets Hack It !!

The files required:

- Games Eternity Warriors 2 course (lgsg download from google play store)

- GameCIH 3.0

- GameKiller 2.5

- Can also use this GameGuardian 6.0

1 Glu Credit
The way that we use is quite simple, we do not need one hack or cheat tool above. Only in this way requires a lot of time and patience, as we will outsmart through daily bonus and date imaginable on Android. Daily bonus on EW2 will appear every day exactly after 00.00. Well GCR bobbed pd days to 6 Here we will outsmart.

Spoiler for:

- For those who play the first time:
Run the game, then go to the SHOP option, do not need to buy apa2, lgsg out lg (back) with pressing the arrow curving to the left under the game.

Spoiler for:

Well usually it daily bonus saver will appear. Take bonus imaginable with pressing OK. then out of the game with pressing the HOME button on Android. Choose a setting or a settings option, then select the date and time continues to advance the tglnya one day. Suppose started playing the 1st, the 2nd Do not change so close this last option msk date back to the game with pressing the HOME button. Search shortcut and run the game lg. When sdh Inc. lgsg select games lg SHOP option, do not need to buy apa2 lgsg out (back). Daily bonuses will come back with day 2 (day 2). Repeat this method until stepping on day 6 (day 6).

Spoiler for:

Spoiler for:

Spoiler for:

Well when we get free sdh 5 GCR from day 6, back to setting the date and advance the date two days or two times. Suppose it forward into th 6 th 8 Then back to the game. Select option SHOP, back then the daily bonus will be back to the first day (day 1)??. Now repeat lg from the beginning with one by one until day 6 tglnya raise.

Spoiler for:

- For sdh play passing day 6:
Lgsg just tglnya brought forward two days. Suppose become dated 10th 12. Insert into the game, select the option SHOP then back, then the daily bonus will be back to day 1 Selanjutkan tglnya increase gradually, reaching up to day 6 and repeat advance the date 2 days.

2 Coin
Fairly easy coin cheat, especially for those who are accustomed to using cheat tools sdh, both versions of the PC (Cheat Engine) or Mobile. To cheat coin this time sy use GameCIH 3.0, tp can use GameKiller or GameGuardian jg. As usual, the GC first jlnkan jlnkan game. Then select the option in the game SHOP, sdh insert coin value we get in touch icon visually GC GC imaginable on the top left corner of the screen.

Spoiler for:

Select INPUT NUMBER option and enter the number of coin ie 50412189. Select OK and the GC will do the SEARCH wait a minute it will show the number of addresses that is worth 50,412,189.

Spoiler for:

Back to the game with press BACK on GC. Create coin change, may increase or decrease. We shop for reduced health potions one time or upgrading weapons, armor as much as one-time use coin. When the number of coin msh bit then we can play a level or first floor of the coin in order to grow.

Spoiler for:

After the coin change, they will change the value of pd enter GC (input number), then press OK. Do this 3-4 times a coin changes to the remaining 2 pieces of the address.

Spoiler for:

Well heres two pieces of the address were looking for, then change the value to 6 or 7 digits eg 9999999 and press OK and the game will coin lgsg change following values ??which we have mskan into the GC.

Spoiler for:

3 Element

- Element 1
Just like like a coin cheat on, input element number 1 which we have gained into the GC. But first we have to reset the GC prior to a new address search. Select MENU option on the GC and select RESET. Make changes to the element number 1 both increased by using the GCR buy or reduced with weapon upgrades, armor. Enter the changes in the value of the element 1 into the GC, repeat 3-4 times until the remaining 2 pieces of the address. Change address both pieces as much as 5-6 digits according to our tastes.

- Element 2
GC reset, then enter a value element 2 When the number of elements 2 msh empty (0), then the upgrade element 1 into element 2 On the inventory select element 1 and select the option to upgrade using the coin. If successful then the element number 2 will be changed to 1 Enter this value into the GC (input number). After getting some address, back to the game (back) upgraded back element 1 element 2 to be increasing in number. Enter the number of elements increases sdh 2, then press OK. Do this 3-4 times until we get 2 pieces of the address, then they will change both the address as desired.

- Element 3, 4 & 5 the same as doing the cheat element 2 Upgrade the previous element to the element that will grow our cheat, repeat until get 2 pieces of the address.

Spoiler for:

Level 4
Playing as usual, select any floor. Reset the GC and enter the level that we have achieved eg 53, press OK and return to the game. Play as usual until the levels go up one level, eg 54. Pause the game, go back to GC INPUT NUMBER 54 and then OK. Press BACK on GC, play the game back to level up one more level, eg 55 Back to GC INPUT NUMBER 55, OK. Repeat to get 2 or 1 fruit address were looking for. Change the value corresponding to the highest level in EW2 (sy do not know how the most high level ... fff

Thats It ...: bawangcool:

If Mas Bro gentlemen had a tip & tricks more accurate, especially cheat or hack Glue Credit, please in the knowledge here ..

Hopefully useful ...

Ane dah try to cheat Health & Rage Potionnya, it worked ...
Gan same way, playing in the floor where aja, then the input number, enter the number of ato Rage Potionnya Health. Biarin reduced blood tuh pake ato his Rage. Heath ato Ragenya then tap once, eg from 10 so 9, enter the number 9 tuh tap OK. Then use again to 8, enter again and TARAA..addressnya directly dapet

Game Tested hack on gamecih and work 100% :

* ARALON HD (newest version, using Game Guardian)
* Baseball superstars 2012 (newest version, using Game Killer)
* arel wars 2 (v 1.0.0 , using Game Guardian)
* soccer superstars 2012 (newest version, , using GameCih 3.0 + TiBu)
* Dungeon Hunter 3 (V 1.3.5, using Game Guardian + hex editor + TiBu)
* Empire Defense 2 (newest version, Modded APK forum sebelah)
* Epic Raiders (newest version, using Game Guardian)
* Illusia 2 (newest version, using Game Killer + Hex editor + TiBu)
* Ninja Saga (setelah dicoba ternyata versi baru ga bisa di hack lagi untung gw hacking pas versi lamanya, using GameCIH 3.0)
* Tavern Quest (newest version, using hex editor + root explorer)
* the sims Free Play (newest version, ini pake hex editor aga sedikit ribet caranya)
* Eternity Warrior 2 (newest version, pakai modded apk keluaran orang lain dari forum sebelah)

Hacked By Ihsan Magazine

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